廖家凼码头2个泊位,位于长江三峡水库回水变动区河段,且受码头上游附近苦竹背石梁突嘴的影响,码头水域条件复杂。通过分析码头工程河段的河床演变、码头前水域条件及码头工程对通航条件的影响,提出分时段限制码头泊位停靠船舶的安全措施。主要结论为:码头工程河段河势航槽稳定;枯水期每年11月至次年4月底,三峡水库维持较高水位运行,码头水域条件良好,码头泊位最多可停靠2排船舶;每年5—10月,码头工程河段处于天然河道,码头水域条件较差,码头泊位最多可停靠1排船舶;发生洪水时,码头上游附近苦竹背石梁突嘴以下约100 m范围内水势流态复杂,影响码头上游泊位船舶的停靠和出港航道安全,因此,汛期6—9月,码头上游泊位禁止停靠船舶。
Two berths of Liaojiadang wharf locate in backwater variation zone of the Three Gorges reservoir in the Yangtze River, which are affected by the upstream stone beams in Kuzhubei, thus the water conditions are very complicated. On the basis of analysis of river bed evolution, water conditions and navigation conditions, we propose safety measures which limit ships to berth during different periods. The main research results are as follows: the channel of waterway of wharf project is stable; during the dry season, i. e., from November to the end of April of the next year, when the Three Gorges reservoir runs in high water level manner, the water conditions of the wharf keeps feasible, it can berth 2 rows of ships at most; during other months, i. e., from May to October, the water condition of the wharf runs in natural states, it can berth one row of ships at most; when floods occur, the flowing properties become deteriorated in rough 100 m range near the Kuzhubei site to affect the navigation of the Liaojiadang wharf, thus during floods months, i. e., from June to September, the ships are prohibited at the upper berth of the wharf.
Port & Waterway Engineering
Three Gorges reservoir
backwater variation area
wharf project
riverbed evolution
water area condition
safety measure