兴蔬大果蜜本南瓜是由自交系N87和M3配制而成的一代杂种,生长势强,第1雌花节位22节左右,主、侧蔓均可结瓜,果实长葫芦形,成熟果橘黄色带条纹,果面有棱沟,商品瓜长约47 cm。果实可溶性固形物含量7.8%左右,口感粉、甜,开花至采收45 d左右。抗白粉病,单果质量4-6 kg,一般667 m^2产量4 500 kg左右,适于华中、华南地区露地爬地栽培。
Xingshudaguomiben is a F1 pumpkin hybrid of two inbred lines N87 and M3. It grows strongly, and the first female flower sets on about 22th node. Both its main vine and lateral vine can bear fruits. Its fruit is 47 cm in length with long gourd shape, and its ripened fruit possesses orange-yellow peel with stripes and tastes sweet and waxy. The soluble solids content is about 7.8%. It takes about 45 days from flowering to harvest and it is resistant to powdery mildew. Its single fruit weight is 4-6 kg with average yield about 4 500 kg/667 m^2, and it is suitable for creeping cultivation in open field in central and south China.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables