
访友旅游中的朋友关系及其长期导向机制——理论建构与实证探析 被引量:1

Friend Relationship in the Context of Visiting Friends Tourism and Its Long-term Orientation Mechanism: Theoretical Construction and Empirical Analysis
摘要 文章将起源于商业合作研究的"长期导向"概念引入访友旅游的朋友关系中,利用结构方程模型的方法对朋友关系的3个侧面(感情、人情、信任)之间的关联进行实证研究,同时考察了朋友关系、访友旅游与长期导向之间的关系。研究发现:(1)朋友关系中,感情正向影响信任;(2)朋友关系中,感情、信任正向影响长期导向;(3)感情、信任正向影响访友旅游;(4)访友旅游正向影响长期导向。将研究发现的朋友关系之下的长期导向机制与商业合作伙伴关系之下的长期导向机制进行对比,就关系的感情、人情和信任3个侧面来说,朋友关系中的人情方面有所弱化或隐性化。 Visiting friends (VF) tourism caused by Guanxi is common in the real life. From the perspective of social relation, both visitors and hosts pursue a stable and lasting harmonious relationship, which conforms to the concept of long-term orientation that originated from business cooperation research. Based on this consistency, this research drew the "long-term orientation" concept into Guanxi research in the context of VF tourism, and constructed the long-term orientation mechanism of Guanxi in the context of VF tourism. Additionally, this research investigated the relevance of the three important parts of Guanxi, Ganqing, Renqing, and Xinren. It also investigated the relation among Guanxi, VF tourism, and long-term orientation. Due to the long-term orientation concept originated in the study of business partnership under the Chinese cultural background, this research chose Chinese VF tourists and hosts as interviewees. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the mature scales of Ganqing, Renqing and Xinren were selected. In addition, a new scale of VF tourism was developed, and then the scales were converted into a questionnaire. 340 tourists and hosts were selected randomly as respondents. After eliminating incomplete and non-valid responses, 320 questionnaires were remained for analysis in this research. The acceptable effective rate was 92.5%. After using factor analysis, sample reliability and validity testing, it has been found that the data collected from questionnaires were valid for analysis. In order to explore the relations among Guanxi, VF tourism, and long-term orientation, this research constructed a structural equation model (SEM) for analysis. AMOS 17.0 software was used to estimate the model, test the fit index, path coefficient and t-value. The results suggested that under the Guanxi of friends (1) Ganqing positively influenced Xinren; (2) Ganqing and Xinren had positive effects on long-term orientation; (3) Ganqing and Xinren positively impacted VF tourism; (4) VF tourism positively influenced long-term orientation. Based on these findings, a graph comparing the long-term orientation mechanism of friend relationship and business partner relationship were developed. The comparison showed that the effect of "Renqing" aspect in Guanxi was weakened or vanished under the friend relationship.
作者 璩亚杰 白凯
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期46-56,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"西部城市民族旅游社区地方性保持:多元认同的建构主义研究"(41271157) 国家旅游局青年专家培养计划"中国消费者海外旅游购物趋同行为及成因研究"(TYETP201343) 陕西省社会科学基金项目"西安市居民绿色出行行为影响因素研究--基于功能和符号消费双重视角"(13Q046)共同资助~~
关键词 访友旅游 感情 人情 信任 长期导向 visiting friends (VF) tourism Renqing Xinren long-term orientation
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