以硫酸生产装置及脱盐水站中和+沉降废水处理工艺为基础,研发设计出了活性污泥法——曝气池污染防治技术,应用在脱盐水站外排废水治理上,并取得了成功。外排废水COD浓度由198.29mg/L降低到了66.97mg/L,去除率达90%以上,年削减COD排放量28.28t。采用中和+曝气+沉降废水治理工艺,不仅降低了外排废水中的有机物浓度,而且确保了废水p H、SS达标排放。
The activated sludge combing with the aeration method was studied to treat the desalted water based on the wastewater treatment process of neutralization and sedimentation method in the sulfuric acid production equip- ment. The concentration of COD decreased from 19g. 29mg/L to 66. 97mg/L with the removal rate of more than 90%. The total reduction of COD could reach 28.28 tons per year. Furthermore, the new process ensured that the pH and SS could reach the discharge standard.
Environmental Science Survey