目的探讨二联和三联血清标志物在胎儿唐氏综合征(DS)筛查中的应用比较。方法采用时间分辨荧光免疫分析仪检测3280例孕妇血清u E3、AFP、fβ-h CG,以1/270作为风险切割值,比较二联、三联筛查方法的阳性率、检出率、假阳性率。结果 3282例孕妇中,共筛查出6例DS胎儿(0.18%);三联筛查检出率(83.33%)、风险值明显高于二联筛查,二联与三联筛查阳性率、假阳性率比较差异无统计学意义。结论孕中期血清三联筛查DS敏感性明显高于二联筛查,建议在DS筛查中推广及应用。
Objective: To investigate sensitivity of double, triple serum markers for screening for fetal Down syndrome (DS) . Methods: 3280 cases of pregnant women serum uE3, AFP, f beta hCG were detected by time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay and analyzed, 1/270 as risk cutting value, positive rate, detection rate and false positive rate were compared between double triple. Results: 3282 cases of pregnant women were screened out of six cases of DS fetuses (0.18%) ; triple screening detection rate (83.33%) , risk value were significantly higher than duplex screening, there were no statistically significant of positive rate, false positive rate between two methods. Conclusion: Mid pregnancy serum triple screening DS sensitivity is significantly higher than duplex screening, Suggestions promoted and applied in DS screening.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity