
认知无线电多时隙联合频谱感知方法及优化 被引量:6

Multi-Slot Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Method with Optimization in Cognitive Radio
摘要 为了降低认知无线电中次用户对主用户的干扰,提出了次用户通过多个时隙的能量感知联合检测主用户的频谱感知方法.每个传输帧被分成若干个时隙,次用户在每个时隙的开始进行能量感知,通过合并多个时隙的感知结果,提高次用户对主用户的检测性能.为了最大化次用户的频谱效率,将主用户状态建模为二维马尔科夫随机过程,并根据该过程优化单时隙频谱感知时间.仿真结果表明:相比Liang的"先听后传"频谱感知方法,提出方法仅牺牲14%的频谱效率,却使干扰概率降低了28%;随着信噪比增加,提出方法的最大频谱效率逐渐接近"先听后传"频谱感知方法. In order to decrease the interference to the primary user (PU) caused by the secondary user (SU) in cognitive ra- dio,a spectrum sensing method is proposed to cooperatively detect the PU through multi-slot energy sensing of the SU.Each trans- mission frame was divided into several time slots,and the SU sensed the PU at the beginning of each time slot.The SU could im- prove the performance of detecting PU through combining the mnlti-slot sensing results. In order to maximize the SU' s spectrum ef- ficiency, the PU state was buik as a two-dimensional Markov random process, and according to this process, the single-slot sensing time was optimized. The simnladon results show that compared to the "listen-before-transmit" spectum sensing method proposed by Liang, the proposed method reduces the interference probability of 28 % by only sacrificing the spectrum efficiency of 14 %, and with the increase of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ,the maximal spectrum efficiency of the proposed method gradually approaches that of the "listen-before-transmit" spectrum sensing method.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期895-900,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.61102069 No.61301105) 江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20140828)
关键词 认知无线电 联合频谱感知 频谱效率 干扰概率 cognitive radio cooperative spectrtma sensing spectrum efficiency interference probability
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