With regard to the cracking identified under the static test for prefabricated post-tensionedprestressed concrete railway bridge simply supported box girder, this paper analyzes the causes ofcracking with focus on early cracking due to the fact that the concrete inner temperature difference stressexceeds the tensile ultimate strength, which is caused by the temperature difference between the core andsurface of the concrete, and the temperature difference between the surface and the environment in excessof the restricted 15 益on account of the form removal during steam curing and in peak period of concretehydration heating. The author demonstrates the inevitability of cracking during beam static load level1-0 test with concrete tensile limit strength fct =0, and anti-crack safety factor Kf =0, further elucidatesthat it is the concrete transfinite temperature stress that gives rise to box girder cracking, and puts forwardcontrol measures to prevent early cracks.
Railway Standard Design