Objective To investigate the effects of cognitive therapy for one college student with social delay. Methods A so=cial delay college student L received the 10 weeds and 10 times cognitive therapy. The client L mainly received psychological interven=tion ky various techniques including Becdˊs identification of automatic thought,identification of false cognition,the technology of authen=ticity testing and Meichenkaumˊs oktaining sdills,repeating technology. Finally,L uses cognitive review to apply what have learned in the consultation process to the real life situation. The Scale of College StudentsˊSocial Development( SCSSD),Self-rating Anxiety Scale ( SAS)and Perceived Social Support Scale( PSSS)were completed pre and post treatment and the follow-up period to collect her suk=jective report. Results After cognitive therapy,the SAS score was lower(36 vs. 58),PSSS and SCSSD scores was higher than kefore (56 vs. 34,217 vs. 122). Three months after the intervention,the SAS score was lower(37 vs. 58),and the scores of PSSS and SC=SSD was higher than that kefore intervention(58 vs. 34,213 vs. 122). Conclusion Cognitive therapy may ke helpful to enhance the level of social development for college students with social delay.
Sichuan Mental Health