
谢晶日治疗溃疡性结肠炎经验 被引量:2

Xie Jingri's Experience of Treating Ulcerative Colitis
摘要 治疗溃疡性结肠炎应辨明缓急,扶正与祛邪并举。初发期一般以邪气盛为主,兼见本虚,谢老师认为此期患者在清利肠道湿热过程中,首当顾护脾胃,切勿过分寒凉;慢性间歇发作期多邪气稍退、正气虚弱,其势复杂,寒热错杂。谢师此时治以扶正与祛邪并用,治则主要是健脾化湿,清热止泻。慢性持续严重期病久累及于肾,以虚证为要,兼见邪气,此时病情危重,应予以足够重视。应以补脾益肾助阳,化湿涩肠止泻为治疗原则,重用健脾温肾固涩之品。 In treating ulcerative collitis( UC),the greater and lesser urgency should be distinguished; reinforcing healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factor should be conducted simultaneously. In the primary stage,excess of pathogenic qi is the predominant and root deficiency is concurrent. Teacher Xie holds that in the process of clearing and inducing intestinal damp-heat,stomach and spleen should be first protected and cold should be avoided. In the process of chronic intermittent attack period,pathogenic qi slightly abated,healthy qi becomes deficiency,the disease condition is complicated and there is mingling of cold and heat. At this time,Teacher Xie reinforces healthy qi and eliminates pathogenic factor simultaneously. The therapeutic principle is mainly to strengthen the spleen and dissolve dampness,clearing heat and check diarrhea. In the chronic persistent serious period,the prolonged disease impairs the kidney,and thus deficient syndrome is the main pattern and pathogenic qi is concurrent. The disease condition is critical in this period and should be attached enough importance. The therapeutic principle is to tonify spleen,benefit kidney and supplement yang,dissolve dampness,astringe intestine to stop diarrhea,for which herbs that can strengthen the spleen,warm kidney and astringe intestine should be used.
作者 房阳 张冰
出处 《河南中医》 2015年第5期954-955,共2页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81273685)
关键词 溃疡性结肠炎 黄连解毒汤 白头翁汤 参苓白术散 ulcerative collitis (UC) Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction Pulsatilla Decuction Poria and Atractylodes Macro-cephalae Powder
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