
县域内义务教育学校校长教师轮岗交流对策研究-以湖南省义务教育学校为例 被引量:5

On the Rotation and Exchanging Strategy for Headmasters and Teachers in County Compulsory Education Schools—— Taking the Compulsory Education Schools in Hunan Province as an Example
摘要 推进义务教育学校校长教师轮岗交流是推进义务教育均衡发展的重要举措,国内外在这方面已进行过有益的探索,在如何确定交流对象、交流方式、交流比例等方面积累了一定经验,但仍存在基础薄弱、观念转变困难、人事和编制管理体制障碍、保障措施难以落实等困难和问题,深化改革必须坚持改革方向,推行循序渐进、激励引导、多途径推进等原则,尤其要坚持多部门联动,通过教师队伍管理体制的创新来推动改革。 The rotation and exchanging of compulsory education school headmaster and teacher is an important measure to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. Both at home and abroad have conducted beneficial exploration and also have accumulated some experience on how to determine the object of communication, the means of communication, the ratio of communication in this respect.There are some difficult in promoting the headmaster and teacher rotation exchange,such as the weak foundation,the difficult in changing idea, the barrier in the management systems of the personnel and establishments.Deepening reform must adhere to the orientation of reform, adhere to the progressive, encouragement and guidance, many ways to promote the principles of, In particular, should adhere to the principle of multi sectoral linkage, and promote the reform throught the innovation of the management system of teachers.
出处 《当代教育论坛》 2015年第3期1-10,共10页 forum on contemporary education
关键词 义务教育 校长教师 轮岗交流 对策 compulsory education headmaster and teacher rotation and exchang Countermeasure
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