
地方新建本科院校转型发展探索——以贵州工程应用技术学院(原毕节学院)为例 被引量:1

Based on the SWTO Strategy Analysis of Perspective of Newly-built Undergraduate Colleges and Universities about the Transformation of Development——Taking Guizhou University of Engineering Science as an Example
摘要 地方新建本科院校转型发展是我国当前教育领域进行的一项重要改革,是社会经济转型升级的历史要求,是高等教育结构调整的内在必然,是加强院校内涵建设的内驱动力,对于构建现代职业教育体系,推动地方高校科学定位,全面深度融入区域发展具有重要意义。贵州工程应用技术学院作为毕节试验区唯一一所普通本科高校,转型是其服务地方经济社会发展的必然要求。运用SWTO分析法,论述其所处的内外部环境及其自身优势、劣势,并在此基础上提出几点思考。 Transformation of local undergraduate colleges and universities is not only an important re- form of our country's current education field and the historical requirement of the social and economic transfor- mation and upgrading,but also is the internal necessity of higher education structure adjustment and the inter- nal motivation to strengthen the construction of colleges and universities connotation.That is of great signifi- cance to build modern vocational education system,promote scientific positioning in local colleges and full depth into the regional development.Guizhou university of engineering science as only an ordinary undergradu- ate course colleges and universities of Bijie experimental region,transformation is the inevitable requirement of its serving local economic and social development.With SWTO analysis,discusses the internal and external en- vironment and its own advantages and disadvantages,and on this basis, puts forward some thinking.
作者 崔民日
出处 《贵州工程应用技术学院学报》 2015年第1期94-99,共6页 Journal of Guizhou University Of Engineering Science
基金 2013年首届贵州省教育科学规划一般课题"新建本科院校服务地方办学路径研究--以贵州省新建本科院校为例"(2013B104) 毕节学院毕节试验区研究院2013年度一般项目"毕节学院转型发展服务毕节试验区产业发展的实践研究"(13SYQ4)
关键词 地方新建本科院校 SWTO分析 转型发展 Newly-built Undergraduate Colleges and Universities SWTO Strategy Transformation of Development
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