
醒中求梦 忆里寻归——张岱的园林美学思想

Pursuing Dreams when awake,seeking Return of Spirit in the Recalls——A Study of Zhang Dai's Garden Aesthetics
摘要 张岱对园林的见解大都散见于《陶庵梦忆》《西湖梦寻》,亦非刻意为园林而作,而是其早年生活画面的呈现,因而在体现张岱审美情趣的同时,更包含了其视园林为精神家园的情感意蕴。张岱心中的园林有空、灵、秀、奇四境,其将园林作为一往情深的寄寓,余生在记忆中的园林寻找安身立命的精神家园。 In the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties,it was the period of Chinese history of thoughts with great changes,moreover,it was an age of dramatic change of Chinese literati aesthetic consciousness.Zen and philosophy of the mind in the late Ming dynasty have a great influence on literature and art.and the perishing of the country also aroused the change of ideas in the heart of literati.The proses in the period wrote for expressing 'unique temperament',accumulated the most real sensation that a generation of intellectuals sensed the lives,contained their deep thinking and concern.With eminent,abundant and complex thought of Zhang dai's writings,Confucianism was consisted in Zen.This paper is based on the eminent books by Zhang Dai Tao An Meng Yi and Xi Hu Meng Xun,concentrated on the statement about Chinese garden.First,based on the account of the Chinese garden,trying to understand and sum up his garden aesthetics thoughts,and to catch a glimpse of the literati spirit and culture of the period.Then,make an attempt to return to the historical environment,when the literati spirit was stirring between the Ming and Qing Dynasty,looking for their path of spiritual return,appreciating the period when great changes bring up a dream and life pursuit.
作者 吴湘
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《艺术探索》 2015年第2期57-62,共6页 Arts Exploration
关键词 张岱 园林 梦忆 Scenery emotion circumstance recalling
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