[目的]建立客观的肾虚血瘀型膝OA肌骨模型和有限元模型,分析肾虚血瘀型膝骨性关节炎胫骨应力特征。[方法]利用肾虚血瘀型膝OA志愿者膝关节CT、MRI数据构建基于Any Body和ANSYS软件的肾虚血瘀型膝OA肌骨模型和有限元模型,行s EMG验证并相互验证。在肾虚血瘀型膝OA肌骨模型上行膝部0°-40°-90°-180°运动,观察膝OA膝部骨应力和应变参数,以探讨胫骨应力特征。[结果]应力最大值区域逐渐从胫骨远端向上转移,到近端,最后在胫骨平台上应力集中;应力值变化趋势:随着下蹲,股骨胫骨夹角减小,应力值随之增大,从开始的24 MPa,增大到403 MPa,增大了17倍。应力最大为403 MPa,出现在股骨胫骨夹角40°时的胫骨平台上,同时,其位移值为最大8.8 mm。[结论]肾虚血瘀型的膝OA患者,随着运动胫骨出现应力集中,胫骨平台内侧压应力最大。符合肾虚血瘀型的膝OA临床症状特点。
[ Objective] To establish knee OA musculoskeletal model and finite element model of the kidney and blood sta- sis type , analysis of kidney and blood stasis type of knee osteoarthritis tibial stress characteristics. [ Methods ] Through knee CT, MRI data of volunteers whose kidney and blood stasis type of knee OA was used to construct unique musculoskeletal model. The model used AnyBody and ANSYS software and the finite element model based on the sEMG. When the musculoskeletal model of knee OA moved according to 0° -40° -90° - 180°, knee OA bone stress and strain parameters were recorded, in order to explore the tibial stress characteristics. [ Results ] The maximum region moved gradually from the distal tibia to transfer stress, to the proximal tibial plateau, the stress concentration; stress variation trend: with the squat, femoral and tibial angle de- creased, the stress value increased, from the beginning of the 24 MPa, increased to 403 MPa, increased by 17 times. The maximum stress was 403 MPa, appeared in the femoral and tibial angle of 40° tibia1 platform, at the same time, the displace- ment value for the maximum 8. 8 mm. [ Conclusion ] In deficiency of kidney and blood stasis type of patients with knee OA, a- long with the motion of the tibia appear stress concentration, the medial tibial plateaucompression stress is maximum. Tibial stress characteristics is consistent with the clinical features.
Orthopedic Journal of China
knee osteoarthritis, kidney and blood stasis type, tibial stress characteristics