
双模式对人工耳蜗低频段电极不全植入者的言语识别影响 被引量:5

The effect of binaural bi-modal fitting on speech recognition of cochlear implant recipients with low frequency electrodes incompletely implanted
摘要 目的:探讨一侧人工耳蜗联合对侧助听器的双模式应用方式对低频段电极不全植入者的言语识别影响。方法:15例非植入耳具有低频残余听力(250Hz 45~90dBHL,500Hz 75~100dBHL)的语后聋患者,通过人工耳蜗调试软件关闭蜗顶部前3个工作电极,模拟低频段电极不全植入的状态。1低频段电极不全植入状态下同一受试者先后使用单侧人工耳蜗(单CI)和双模式进行言语测试(单音节、双音节、短句),对2种模式下的言语得分结果进行比较。2开启全部电极(全植入状态),同一受试者再次先后使用单CI及双模式进行言语测试,并对低频段电极不全植入状态下2种模式的言语测试得分差值与全植入状态下2种模式得分的差值进行比较。结果:低频段电极不全植入状态下受试者使用双模式后,其言语识别得分高于单CI的言语识别得分(P〈0.05)。低频段电极不全植入状态下双模式与单CI的言语识别得分差值大于全植入状态下两者的差值(P〈0.05)。结论:低频段电极不全植入者应用双模式刺激后可获得更好的言语识别效果。 Objective:To study the effect of binaural bi-modal fitting (one cochlear implant and a contralateral hearing aid) on speech recognition of cochlear implant recipients with low frequency electrodes incompletely implanted. Method: A total of 15 cochlear implant(CI) users who have low residual hearing (250 Hz 45-90 dBHL, 500 Hz 75-100 dBHL) of their non surgery ears. We closed the top three electrodes to simulate the state of low- frequency electrodes incompletely implanted by fitting software. @The same tester received twice speech recogni- tion tests in incompletely implanted state, one test used single CI model and the other used binaural hi-modal fit- ting model. ②The same tester received above twice speech recognition tests again, but in completely implanted state. Then we compared the results of tests. Result: The CI users used binaural bi-modal fitting have higher speech recognition score than the same users used unilateral cochlear implant model in low-frequency electrodes in- completely implanted state(P〈0.05). The gap between the scores of the tests by using two usage patterns in low frequency electrodes incompletely implanted state was more than that in completely implanted state (P〈0.05). Conclusion:Binaural bi-modal fitting can help CI users to improve their speech recognition ability in low-frequency electrodes incompletely implanted state.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期980-983,共4页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
基金 广东省科技计划项目(No:2012B031800408) 卫生行业科研专项项目(No:201202005)
关键词 耳蜗植入术 助听器 言语识别 cochlear implantation hearing aids speech recognition
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