

Optimal coupled inversion for multi-parameter of jet in flowing ambient fluid
摘要 通过数据驱动模型理论和变密度各项异性湍浮力射流模型的有机结合,提出了射流比和射流喷角多参数优化耦合反演的新方法:通过射流模型计算射流比和射流喷角多参数匹配设计的数值工况,构建计算水域内部观测点污染物浓度解集;以数据驱动模型理论建立状态变量(污染物稀释度)同控制变量(模型多参数)之间的非线性关系;将拟获得的稀释度带入关系中,进行模型多参数的组合优化反演研究,结果表明基于数据驱动模型理论的多参数反演方法可以获得最优的射流参数,有利于射流水体与环境水体间的掺混。 A new multi-parameter optimal inversion method for jet ratio and jet angle is established by coupling data- driven model theory with anisotropic turbulent buoyant jet model with variable density in this paper. In this method, firstly the multi-parameter matching cases of jet ratio and jet angle are computed by the jet model, and the solution space of internal observation site in the computation waters is constructed by numerical simulation results. Secondly, the nonlinear relationship between state variables (dilution degree) and control variables (model multi-parameter) is established by data-driven model theory. Finally the optimal solution is obtained by inputting the requisite dilution de- gree to the relationship. The numerical results show that multi-parameter integrated optimal inversion method is effi- cient for the optimal jet parameters and has advantages of jet water mixing with environment water.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期447-450,共4页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51209110) 天津市科技兴海项目(KJXH2011-17) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(TKS130215 KJFZJJ2011-01)
关键词 射流 射流比 射流喷角 数据驱动模型理论 反演 jet jet ratio jet angle data-driven model theory inversion
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