
一种GNSS大网数据快速高效处理策略 被引量:4

A Strategy of Large GNSS Network Data Rapid and Efficient Processing
摘要 针对当前大型GNSS网络数据处理需求与现有处理策略和能力的矛盾,介绍基于不动点理论所建立的Ambizap网解新算法,将分布式计算技术引入到GNSS数据处理中,设计并利用.NET框架下的分布式技术实现分布式环境下基于Ambizap算法的大型GNSS网数据分布式处理流程,通过多个算例验证了Ambizap算法的精度和其分布式应用的高效性。 To resolve the challenge of the current contradiction between the demands of large GNSS network data processing and existent processing capabilities and strategies, a new network solution al gorithm-Ambizap which is based on fixed point theorem, is introduced in this paper. We then intro- duce distributed computing technology into GNSS data processing. The distributing processing flow of large GNSS network data based on the Ambizap algorithm is designed and achieved through use of NET framework distributed technology under the distributed environment. The accuracy of the Ambi- zap algorithm and the efficiency of its distributed application are verified through some examples. The results show that the distributed processing of Ambizap can effectively resolve the contradiction currently faced by large GNSS network data processing, bringing a more efficient and economical pro cessing method.
出处 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期383-386,411,共5页 Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金(41274015) 国家863计划(2013AA122501) 地理信息工程国家重点实验开放基金(SKLGIE2014-M-1-5)
关键词 精密单点定位 双差网解 不动点理论 Ambizap 分布式计算 PPP double differencing fixed point theorem Ambizap distributed computing
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