给出了部分相干双曲余弦高斯(Ch G)光束在非-Kolmogorov湍流中的等效曲率半径Rx(z)的解析式,并研究了湍流参数(广义指数α、折射率结构常数C2n)和光束离心参数δ对等效曲率半径的影响.研究表明,Rx(z)随湍流的增强而逐渐减小;随湍流广义指数α的增大而先减小后增大,且在α=3.11时存在Rx(z)的极小值.另外,Rx(z)随离心参数δ的增加而增加,但湍流使得其变化更加缓慢;湍流对Rx(z)的影响随δ的增大而增大.
The expression for the effective radius of curvature of partially coherent cosh-Gaussian (ChG) beams propagating through non-Kolmogorov turbulence is derived, and the influence of turbulence parameters (generalized exponent parameter a,refraction index structure constant C2^n) and the beam decentered parameter 6 on the effective radius of curvature Rx (z) is studied. It finds that the Rx (z) decreases with increasing of turbulence, and Rx (z) does not monotonically vary with the increase of a ,it decreases firstly and then increases due to increasing a. When a = 3.11,Rx (z) is minimum. Additionally,R (z) decreases with increasing of the beam decentered parameter a, however, turbulence makes the change more slowly. And the influence of turbulence on Rx increases with the in- creasing of S.
Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Sciences)