
智性的情感——康德道德感问题辨析 被引量:5

On the Intellectual Feeling
摘要 康德的道德哲学建立在对传统道德感理论的批判之上,但他也对这个概念进行了改造,将它定义为一种建立在道德法则之上的先天情感,并在道德哲学中赋予这个概念一个重要的作用,即纯粹实践理性的动机,以解释抽象的理性法则如何能应用到具体的感性-理性存在者之上。康德的道德感理论的难点在于,一方面要解释道德法则如何能在人心中产生出肯定性和否定性的情感,另一方面要通过分析情感的内在结构解释其普遍有效性。在更广泛的意义上,这种建构可以划归另一个根本性的问题中,即天性和智性的关系。一般来说,主动的知性和被动的感性被康德定义为完全不同的能力,但道德感作为一种智性情感提供了一种新的视角,让我们可以重新界定这种关系。 Kant's moral philosophy is based on the critic of the traditional theory of moral feeling,but he also revised the concept and defined it as an a priori feeling based on the moral law,and gave it an important function in his moral philosophy-the motive of the pure practical reason,in order to explain how could the abstract law of reason be applied to the concrete sensual-rational being.The concept of moral feeling is then functionally constructed to explain the execution of the moral law.But it is difficult for Kant to demonstrate the legitimacy of the construction:on the one hand,he must explain how the moral law causes positive and negative feelings;on the other,he must explain the universality of the feeling through analysis of its inner structure.This construction belongs in a broader sense to an essential problem of Kant's philosophy:the relationship between the sense and the intellect.Normally for Kant the spontaneous intellect and the passive sensation are total different abilities,but the concept of moral feeling as an intellectual feeling provides us a new perspective to redefine this relationship.The sense and the intellect are not incompatible any more,and the former is not only determined by the later,but the intellectual feeling can be produced through the effect of the intellect on the body,and the feeling can help the intellectual purpose realize an human being as a finite rational being.
作者 周黄正蜜
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期78-84,129,共7页 Philosophical Research
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  • 2Firster, E. , 2002, "Die Dialektik der reinen praktischen Vemunft", In Hsffe, Otfried (Hrsg.) : Immanuel Kant: Kritik der praktischen Vernunfi, Akademie Verlag. Berlin.
  • 3Lee, Ming-huei, 1994, "Das Problem des moralischen Gefiihls in der Entwicklung der Kantischen Ethik", Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Taiwan.











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