There is a long history connecting Shandong and film. In 1900, the Jinan Wenshan Tea Garden screened the first film in Shandong province. Along the historical river of Chinese film for more than one hundred years, there have been innumerable excellent works and talents and countless film stars. Of the twenty-two most famous film stars of New China four are from Shandong, namely Cui Wei, Zhao Dan, Zhang Ping, and Yu Yang. Some other famous stars people are familiar with have their hometown also in Shandong, such as, Li Baotian, Li Xuejian, Tang Guoqiang, Gong Li, Ni Ping, Huang Xiaoming, Huang Bo, Fan Bingbing. In addition, the ancestral home for stars from ttong Kong and Taiwan, suchas, Jackie Chan, Lin Qingxia, and Ren Dahua, is Shandong, tOO.