
一种航班座位分配算法 被引量:2

Flight Seat Allocation Algorithm
摘要 研究航班旅客座位分配算法问题,提出一种综合考虑旅客个体偏好和旅客关系的座位分配算法。利用旅客历史出行记录推导出旅客共同出行网络;构建旅客座位偏好模型;采用先来先服务算法给航班旅客分配座位。在客运领域的一个真实的数据集上进行实验,实验表明与值机时生成的座位情况相比,采用先来先服务算法进行座位分配提高旅客的满意度。 Studies the issue of allocating seats for passengers in a flight and proposes an algorithm considering passengers' individual preference and social preference. Constructs passenger social networks based on their co-travel behaviors extracted from the historical travel records; models the individual preference and social preference of passengers; employs First-Come-First-Served(FCFS) algorithm to allocate seats for passengers in a flight. Experimental results on a real data set of passenger travel records in the field of passenger transport demon- strate that the seat allocation results employing algorithm can improve passengers' satisfaction.
作者 王琨琨
出处 《现代计算机(中旬刊)》 2015年第5期37-39,44,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 人工智能 社会网络 座位分配 Artificial Intelligence Social Networks Seat Allocation
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