

An Analysis on the Search Engine Stability of Queries of Different Intent Categories
摘要 以两个月为期,每隔四天分别向百度、搜狗、雅虎三个搜索引擎提交不同用户意图类别的查询,以此来探讨搜索引擎针对不同意图类别查询的结果稳定性情况。最终实验结果表明:相对导航类和事务类查询来说,同一搜索引擎或者不同搜索引擎之间针对信息类查询的稳定性相对要低;在三个搜索引擎返回结果中,信息类与其他两类查询之间均存在着显著性差异。 Taking three search engines Baidu, Yahoo and Sogou as research objects and setting two months as observation period, the sta- bility which changes over time of the same search engine and different search engines for the informational, transactional and navigational queries is analyzed. Experiment results show that: the stability of informational queries results is comparably lower than that of navigational and transactional queries for the same search engine or among different search engines; there is significant differences between the informa- tional queries and the other two types of queries in the search results returned by the three search engines chosen.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期183-190,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 西南大学博士启动基金"查询意图自动分类与分析研究"(编号:SWU114093)的研究成果之一
关键词 查询意图 搜索引擎稳定性 信息类查询 导航类查询 事务类查询 query intent search engine stability informational queries navigational queries transactional queries
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