

A new record genus and two new record species of Ancyrocephalidae(Monogenea)
摘要 记述了锚首虫科Ancyrocephalidae单殖吸虫中国一新纪录属和二新纪录种,即寄生在绿河鲀Tetraodon nigroviridis Marion de Procé,1822鳃上的囊鳃虫属Thylacicleidus Wheeler&Klassen,1988的异常囊鳃虫T.serendipitus Wheeler&Klassen,1988和宽钩囊鳃虫T.latus?ehulková&Gelnar,2005。所获标本与Wheeler&Klassen(1988)和?ehulková&Gelnar(2005)的描述基本一致,囊鳃虫属、异常囊鳃虫和宽钩囊鳃虫均为我国首次报道。 A new record genus and two new record species of Ancyrocephalidae(Monogenea)from China are recorded for the first time. They are Thylacicleidus Wheeler Klassen,1988,Thylacicleidus serendipitus Wheeler Klassen,1988 and Thylacicleidus latus ?ehulková Gelnar,2005 parasitized on gills of Tetraodon nigroviridis. Morphlolgy and size of our specimens basically agree with the description of Wheeler Klassen(1988)and ?ehulková Gelnar(2005).
作者 李海燕
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2015年第9期132-136,共5页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(31093430) 广州市属高校科技计划项目(08C035)
关键词 单殖吸虫 囊鳃虫属 异常囊鳃虫 宽钩囊鳃虫 绿河鲀 新纪录 Monogenea Thylacicleidus Thylacicleidus serendipitus Thylacicleidus latus Tetraodon nigroviridis new record in China
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