研究利用毕赤酵母GS115表达的小麦木聚糖酶抑制蛋白,探索了该XIP抑制蛋白对GH10和GH11家族木聚糖酶的抑制作用。结果显示,该抑制蛋白分子量约为37 k Da,高于氨基酸序列计算所得分子量30.2 k Da,可能是由于该蛋白发生了糖基化作用。该蛋白分别作用于黑曲霉GH10木聚糖酶和哈茨木霉GH11木聚糖酶,得到最适抑制比例分别为1.2??1和8??1,最适抑制时间分别是50 min和30 min,最适抑制p H值均为6.0,最适作用温度均是40℃。
In this experiment, xylanase inhibitor protein XIP gene from wheat was expressed in Piehia Pastoris GS115, then the inhibition of the recombinant XIP protein on GHI0 and GHIi xylanase was investigated. The results showed that the recombinant XIP had a molecular weight of abot, t 37 kDa on- SDS-PAGE, more than tile calculated value based on amino acid sequence, probably because of pro- tein glyeosylation. The recombinant XIP can inhibit GH 10 xylanase from Asper^ilhls niger and GHil xylanase from Trichoderma harzianum at a inhibitor to xylanase molar ratio of 1.2 : 1 and 8 : 1, re- spectively. The optimum inhibition time of XIP and GH10 or GHII xylanase was 50 min and 30 rain, respectively. However, XIP and the two different xylanase have the similar optimum inhibilion pH 6.0 and the similar optimum inhibition temperature 40 ℃.
Feed Industry