
网络著作权保护法律适用问题研究——以法院相关判例为切入点 被引量:5

Study on the Law Application of Network Copyright Protection:from the Perspective of Relevant Cases of Courts
摘要 三网融合对我国现行著作权制度提出了挑战,但更是对司法保护的挑战,裁判结果的不统一使司法保护难以有效发挥对产业发展的导向作用。裁判结果的不统一可归结为两方面原因:一是著作权法在权项设计上存在缺陷;二是对现行著作权法的司法运行不畅。在著作权法的制度缺陷尚未通过立法修订得以完善的情况下,侧重点应是如何在现行著作权法体系下统一问题的处理标准。处理三网融合相关著作权法律问题,应遵循利益平衡原则、过错责任原则和技术中立原则,并重点处理好三网融合下新的传播方式的权利调整问题和新的传播终端相关经营主体法律地位及责任的判定问题。 The integration of three networks challenges not only the current copyright system, but also the judicial protection. The defect of claim design in copyright law and the inefficient law enforcement contribute the disagreement among different judicial results, which impedes the guiding role of judicial protection in industrial development. Before the system detect of copyright law is amended by legislation, the key point is how to deal with the issue of uniform standards under the current copyright law. It is suggested to follow the principle of balance of interests, fault liability and technological neutrality when facing the relevant copyright issues of integration of three networks, and deal with the issues of adjustment of right to the new mode of transmission and Determination on the legal status and responsibilities of business entities related to new communication terminal.
作者 苏志甫
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期41-47,共7页 Intellectual Property
关键词 三网融合 制度缺陷 裁判标准 广播权 信息网络传播 integration of three networks institutional defects standards for judging broadcasting right information network transmission right
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