阐述天然气脱水模块的工艺流程及关键设备的控制策略。应用Control Logix冗余系统和Guard Logix安全系统,实现对脱水模块的过程控制及紧急关断。重点阐述控制系统的设计过程,包括系统方案、总体构架、PLC控制系统和上位机监控等,并给出较为详细的设计架构和技术环节描述。
This paper describes the process flow of natural gas dehydration and control strategies of key equipments, and proves that it can control the process of natural gas dehydration module and shut off the system in emergency by applying the Rockwell's ControlLogix redundancy system and GuardLogix safety system. This paper focuses on stating the design process of the control system, including the systematic plan. overall system structure, PLC contrnl system and PC monitoring section. It gives more detailed structural designs and technology description to meet the requirements of security.
CFHI Technology