
个人理论和刻板印象对性别行为信息注意加工的相对作用 被引量:2

The Role of Person Theory and Stereotype on Processing Gender Behavior Information
摘要 目的:考察个人理论和刻板印象对刻板印象相关信息注意加工的相对作用。方法:采用内隐个人理论测验作为研究筛选实验被试的工具,通过反应时考察个人理论和刻板印象对刻板印象相关信息注意加工的相对作用。结果:在高认知负荷条件下,实体论者与动态论者对伴随特质维度行为信息出现的声音的反应时与伴随从属维度行为信息出现的声音的反应时差异显著,对伴随一致行为信息出现的声音的反应时与伴随不一致行为信息出现的声音的反应时差异也显著;在低认知负荷条件下,两类被试对伴随不同类型性别行为信息出现的声音的反应时没有显著差异。结论:个人理论对个体对与刻板印象相关信息的注意分配有着决定性的作用。实体论者与动态论者对行为信息的选择性注意加工均是为了保护各自的内隐个人理论。 Objective:To explore the role of Person theory and Stereotype on processing gender behavior information.Methods:The Implicit Person Theory Measure was taken to explore the relative role of Person theory and Stereotype onprocessing gender behavior information.Results:Under high cognitive load,entity theorists allocated more attention totrait-consistent information,and incremental theorists allocated more attention to trait-inconsistent information;under lowcognitive load,there were no significant differences on attention allocation to different kinds of information in both entitytheorists and incremental theorists.Conclusion:The person theory has a decisive role in the attention allocation on stereo-typed information in both entity theorists and incremental theorists,which may serve to protect their implicit person theory.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期421-425,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 个人理论 刻板印象 认知资源 反应时 Person theory Gender stereotype Attention resources Reaction time
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  • 1李晓庆,权朝鲁.刻板印象对印象形成过程中信息加工的影响[J].心理科学,2005,28(3):598-601. 被引量:9
  • 2Hamilton DL, Sherman SJ. Perceiving persons and groups. Psychological Review, 1996, 103(2): 336-355.
  • 3Tajfel H, Turner JC. The social identity theory of inter- group behavior In S. Worchel W. Austin(Eds.), The psycho- logy of inter-group relations. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1986, 2 (1): 7-24.
  • 4Bodenhausen GV. Stereotypic biases in social decision mak- ing and memory: Testing process models of stereotype use. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1988, 55(4): 726-737.
  • 5Macrae CN, Milne AB, Bodenhausen GV. Stereotypes as en- ergy- saving devices: A peek inside the cognitive toolbox. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1994, 66(1): 37-47.
  • 6Weber R, Crocker J. Cognitive processes in the revision of stereotypic beliefs. Journal of Personality and Social Psycho- logy, 1983, 45(5): 961-977.
  • 7Devine PG, Baker S. Measurement of racial stereotype sub- typing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1991, 17 (1): 44-50.
  • 8Lui L, Brewer MW. Recognition accuracy as evidence of cat- egory-eonsistency effects in person memory. Social Cogni- tion, 1983, 2(1): 89-107.
  • 9Maass A, Salvi D, Arcuri L. Semin GR. Language use in in- tergroup contexts: The linguistic intergroup bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989, 57(5): 981-993.
  • 10Sherman JW, Lee AY, Bessenoff GR, Frost LA. Stereotype efficiency reconsidered: Encoding flexibility under cognitive load. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998, 75(3): 589-606.









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