
自伤者对不同情绪调节方式的注意偏向 被引量:5

The Attentional Bias of Non-suicidal Self-injurers to Different Strategies of Emotional Regulation
摘要 目的:探讨在唤起负性情绪后,自伤者是否倾向于注意其常用的自伤方式。方法:实验一:采用Stroop范式,在启动和未启动情绪调节方式的条件下,要求被试对常用情绪调节词、不常用情绪调节词和自伤词作反应,比较被试对这三类词的反应时,以检验采用动词作刺激词的Stroop任务的有效性;实验二:选用自伤青少年作为被试,启动自伤青少年的情绪调节方式,采用实验一证实有效的Stroop任务检验自伤者是否表现出对其常用自伤方式的注意偏向。结果:实验一表明,启动条件下,被试对其常用的情绪调节方式反应时最长;实验二发现,在启动条件下,自伤者对其常用的自伤方式反应时最长。结论:采用动词作为刺激词的Stroop任务有效;自伤者表现出对其常用自伤方式的注意偏向。 Objective:To examine whether the non-suicidal self-injurers bias attention to their non-suicidal self-injury(NSSI) behaviors when priming negative emotions.Methods:This study employed a revised Stroop task using emotional regulation strategies(verbs),rather than nouns as target word,based on which,we further examined whether Non-suicidal self-injurers biased attention to their NSSI behaviors.Results:①Under the priming condition,all the subjects showed the longest reaction time on commonly used emotional regulation strategies was the longest,whereas the non-suicidal self-injurers showed the longest reaction time on their commonly used NSSI behaviors.Conclusion:The Non-suicidal self-injurers have attentional bias to their commonly used NSSI behaviors.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期431-434,493,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAI36B02)资助 国家社科基金项目(13BSH063)资助
关键词 青少年 自伤行为 注意偏向 STROOP任务 Teenagers Non-suicidal self-injury Attentional bias Stroop task
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