
中国心理弹性思想探源 被引量:29

An Overview of Ideology on Resilience in China
摘要 心理弹性(resilience)研究肇始于西方,考虑到心理弹性是一个兼具文化一般性和文化具体性的构念,中国的心理弹性研究亟待本土化。身处严重压力/逆境该如何应对,如何保持健康及积极发展?古老的中国哲学透露出深厚的生存智慧。从儒、道、释出发,尝试梳理、廓清中国心理弹性思想本质,探明中国心理弹性思想的内核及其由来。儒家强调自强进取,道家注重安时顺应,佛家主张超脱了悟。儒道释为中国人提供了逆境应对的进路指南,进取、顺应、超脱,是中国古代心理弹性思想的坚实内核,体现着中国人心理弹性的文化实质,是中国人面对压力/逆境时的应对能量基源。通览和梳理中国古代心理弹性思想,挖掘中国心理弹性思想的内核,对于推进心理弹性研究本土化进程不无裨益。 Resilience research has caught intensive attention in recent years.This concept comes from western culture,thus studies on resilience in China are always questionable in terms of measurement appropriateness and ecological validi-ty.We consider that the urgent need is to systematically review the ideology on resilience rooted in Chinese culture.To bet-ter understand the cultural facets of resilience,authors investigated the Chinese ancient ideology on the survival and thriving after traumatic events or challenging experiences.Three kinds of fundamental and influential philosophies,i.e.,Confu-cianism,Taoism,and Buddhism,were reviewed.Philosophically,Confucianism and Taoism were derived from I-Ching(TheBook of Changes,yì jīng) which gave elaborate explanations on basic laws of the ever-changing world.Buddhism was intro-duced to ancient China and evolved as one of the three main kinds of philosophies,with Confucianism and Taoism,exertingfar-reaching effects on the Chinese.Of the three,the ideology on resilience in Confucianism emphasizes hard-striving,ag-gressiveness,and tasting sweetness amidst bitterness during hard times.Taoism lays emphasis on compliance with natureand the world,letting things take their own course.Reviewing of ancient Chinese ideology on resilience is beneficial toprompt systematic indigenous research on resilience in China.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期555-559,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(08CSH026) 上海市教育科学研究项目(B08013) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(12PJC037) 上海市妇联家庭文明建设重点课题(JW1303)
关键词 心理弹性 思想 中国文化 哲学 儒道释 Resilience Chinese culture Philosophy Confucianism, Taoism and buddhism
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