
乳腺小叶增生症患者生命质量的影响因素分析 被引量:4

Factors Affecting the Quality of Life in Patients with Mammary Lobular Hyperplasia
摘要 目的探讨影响乳腺小叶增生症患者生命质量的相关因素。方法选择2010年9月-2011年2月在凉山州中西医结合医院体检的668例女性为调查对象。运用由乳腺专科医师自行设计的调查问卷和乳腺小叶增生症状评分表对调查对象的一般情况进行调查,同时运用健康测量量表(SF-36)对调查对象进行生命质量评估。最后对影响乳腺小叶增生症患者生命质量得分的因素进行单因素、多因素分析。结果乳腺小叶增生症患者与未患乳腺小叶增生症人群在SF-36量表的生理功能(PF)、躯体疼痛(BP)2个维度上的得分差异无统计学意义;而在生理职能(RP)、总体健康(GH)、活力(VT)、社会功能(SF)、情感职能(RE)、心理健康(MH)维度上的得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。乳腺小叶增生症患者在PF,RP,GH,SF,RE,MH维度上的得分与四川省常模比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。年龄(χ2=21.988,P=0.030)、婚姻状况(χ2=12.174,P=0.041)、孕产史(χ2=27.260,P=0.021)、人流次数(χ2=25.311,P=0.011)、哺乳方式(χ2=23.610,P=0.011)等因素与乳腺小叶增生症发病率有相关性。排除生命质量得分各影响因素之间的交互作用,经多因素分析可知,影响乳腺小叶增生症患者生命质量得分的因素从大到小依次为精神压力、人流次数、婚姻状况、哺乳方式、年龄。结论乳腺小叶增生症与女性年龄、孕产史、人流次数、哺乳方式密切相关,精神压力是影响乳腺小叶增生症患者生命质量得分的最主要因素。 Objectives To investigate factors affecting the quality of life in patients with mammary lobular hyperplasia.Method The subjects selected were 668 cases of females who took physical examination from September 2010 to February 2011 in Liangshan Integrative Hospital of Chinese and Western Medicine.All subjects were surveyed questionnaires designed by the breast specialist and evaluation forms of lobular hyperplasia symptoms and their quality of life was assessed with medical outcomes scale-36 item short-form health survey(SF-36).The univariate and multivariate factors affecting their quality of life were analyzed.Results Patients with mammary lobular hyperplasia and those with no mammary lobular hyperplasia had no statistical differences of scores in the two dimensions of physiological function(PF),bodily pain(BP)of SF-36 scale,and had statistically significant differences of scores in the dimensions of physiological role(RP),general health(GH),vitality(VT),social function(SF),emotional role(RE)and mental health(MH)(P〈0.05).In this study,the differences were statistical significant between scores in dimensions of PF,RP,GH,SF,RE and MH in patients with mammary lobular hyperplasia and norm scores of Sichuan province(P〈0.05).Factors like age(χ^2=21.988,P=0.030),marital status(χ^2=12.174,P=0.041),pregnancy history(χ^2=27.260,P=0.021),abortion frequency(χ^2=25.311,P=0.011),breast-feeding methods(χ^2=23.610,P=0.011)were correlated with the incidence of mammary lobular hyperplasia.Without consideration of interaction between factors affecting the quality of life,multivariate analysis showed that factors affecting their quality of life in patients with mammary lobular hyperplasia were sequenced in a decreasing order of stress,abortion frequency,marital status,breast-feeding methods and age.Conclusions Mammary lobular hyperplasia was closely related to age,pregnancy history,abortion frequency and breast-feeding methods of women and stress is the most important factor affecting their quality of life in patients with mammary lobular hyperplasia.
作者 林红 李宁秀
出处 《保健医学研究与实践》 2015年第3期24-28,共5页 Health Medicine Research and Practice
关键词 乳腺小叶增生症 生命质量 影响因素 SF-36量表 Mammary lobular hyperplasia Quality of life Factors SF-36 scale
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