
市场经济与人的发展 被引量:1

Market Economy and Human Development
摘要 文章运用马克思等政治经济学基本理论及其历史与逻辑统一的方法,阐述了市场经济与人的发展是一个自然史过程。人的发展如不与宇宙比较可以说是永恒的范畴,他只在发展的某个阶段与市场经济相联系。市场经济是历史范畴和商品经济的高级阶段,商品经济与市场经济本质都是以交换价值为依据的不同所有者之间的"私人交换"。商品交换产生于原始社会末期,直至前资本主义,"真正的交换只是附带进行的""并未触及整个共同体的生活";市场经济与资本主义相对应,支配其"全部生产关系和交往关系";共产主义市场经济则已消亡,交换变成"在共同占有和共同控制生产资料的基础上联合起来的个人所进行的自由交换"。人的发展与之相对应,由"人的依赖关系"发展到"物的依赖关系",直至"自由个性"。中国特色社会主义处于不够格的社会主义的特殊阶段,不仅存在公有制为主体的多种所有制,还存在市场经济,但本质不同于资本主义,它与人的发展呈现十分复杂的关系和状态。市场经济对人的发展具有正负双重作用,要发挥好其正面作用,抑制其负面作用。 By using the basic theory of Marxist political economy, such as its history and logic unified approach, this paper describes that the market economy and human development is a natural process of history. Human development, if not compare to the universe, it can be said as a eternal category. The human development only linked to the market economy at a certain stage of development. Market economy is a historical category, the market economy is the advanced stage of the commodity economy, commodity economy and the nature of the market economy are based on the exchange value of a "private exchange" between different owners. Exchange of commodities produced in the late primitive society, The "real exchange is only a incidental conduct", and "did not reach the entire community of life" until the pre-capitalist; the market economy and capitalism corresponds to dominate its "full production relations and exchanges relations"; A kind of "free exchange" based on common ownership and joint control of the means of production unite individuals is conducted. Correspondingly, human development, by "human dependency" to "physical dependence", until "free personality". Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is at unqualified special stage of socialism, not only the existence of diverse forms of ownership with public ownership as the main body, there is also a market economy, but the essence is different from capitalism, it presents a very complex human development relationships and status. Human development of the market economy with positive and negative dual role, we have to play well its positive role while inhibiting the negative effects.
作者 施九青
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第5期11-21,共11页 Reformation & Strategy
关键词 市场经济本质 与人的发展关系 自然史过程 正负双重作用 nature of the market economy developing relationships with people the natural process of istory the dual role ofpositive and negative
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