

Recognisation and Thoughts about Social Conflicts and Integration in Operation of Social System
摘要 "社会是个有机的整体"的观点已经被广为认同,认为社会并非单个个人的堆积或简单相加,而是由特定的关系和纽带联结起来的各种人群共同体。在社会有机体中,构成社会的各要素之间相互依赖和协调,同时也存在着矛盾和冲突。针对人类社会发展中出现的社会秩序失范状况,西方社会科学家以及马克思运用不同的方法和工具进行考察,提出了多种多样的解释和解决问题的思路,有助于全面深刻地认识和分析社会系统运行中存在的冲突和整合问题。 The point of" Society is a whole organism" has been widely recognized, which thinks that society is not stacked or simply added together by single individuals, but the community composed of the various groups of people. In the social organism, these various elements of society interdepend and coordi- nate each other, and lead to contradictions and conflicts. In order to manage the situation of society disor- der, society scientists in the west, as well as Marx, used all sorts of methods and tools for study, and pres- ented a wide variety of interpretations and ideas, which could help to make deeper understanding and a- nalysis of social conflict and integration problems produced in the operation of society system.
作者 姚建军
出处 《系统科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期32-35,共4页 Chinese Journal of Systems Science
基金 转型期社会主义和谐文化建设机制研究(08BKF055) 山西省科技厅软科学研究项目(2012041058-02) 山西省社科联重点课题研究项目(SSKLZDKT201206)
关键词 社会系统 社会有机体 冲突 整合 Social system Social organism Conflicts Integration
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