
二阶中立型时滞阻尼微分方程的振动准则 被引量:1

Oscillation Criteria for Second-Order Neutral Delay Differential Equations with Damping Term
摘要 应用Riccati变换和不等式变换技巧,研究了一类二阶中立型带阻尼项多时滞微分方程[a(t)(z′(t))η]′+b(t)(z′(t))η+n∑i=1fi(t,x(σi(t)))=0t≥t0>0的振动性,其中z(t)=x(t)+m∑i=1pi(t)x(τi(t))并给出了此类方程振动的充分条件,丰富了已有研究结果. The oscillation is studied of a second-order neutral delay differential equation with damping term [a(t)(z′(t))η]′+b(t)(z′(t))η+n∑i=1fi(t,x(σi(t)))=0t≥t0〉0 where z(t)=x(t)+m∑i=1pi(t)x(τi(t))Two sufficient conditions for oscillation criteria {or the equation are obtained by Riccati trans{ormation and inequality, which enriches the results given in literature.
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期87-92,共6页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(81102894) 贵州省专业综合改革试点建设项目(黔教高发[2012]426号) 贵州凯里学院基础数学重点学科建设项目(KZD2009001)
关键词 振动性 中立型时滞微分方程 RICCATI变换 oscillation neutral delay differential equation~ Riccati transformation
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