Perovskite solar cells are one of the most promising alternatives to conventional photovoltaic devices, and extensive studies are focused on device optimization to further improve their performance. A compact layer of TiO2 is generally used in perovskite solar cells to block holes from reaching the fluorine-doped tin oxide electrode. In this contribution, we engineered a TiO2 compact layer using Nb doping, which resulted in solar cells with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.26%, which was higher than that of devices with the same configuration but containing a pristine TiO2 compact layer (PCE = 9.22%). The device performance enhancement was attributed to the decreased selective contact resistance and increased charge recombination resistance resulting from Nb doping, which was revealed by the impedance spectroscopy measurements. The developed strategy highlights the importance of interface optimization for perovskite solar cells.
Perovskite 太阳能电池是常规光电的设备的最有希望的选择之一,并且广泛的研究集中于设备优化进一步改进他们的表演。TiO <sub>2</sub> 的紧缩的层通常在 perovskite 太阳能电池被使用阻止到达做氟的符号的听氧化物电极接近洞。在这贡献,我们用做的 Nb 设计了 TiO <sub>2</sub> 协议层,它与 10.26% 的力量变换效率(PCE ) 导致了太阳能电池,它比有一样的配置的设备的高,但是包含太古的 TiO <sub>2</sub> 协议层(PCE =9.22%) 。设备表演改进被归因于减少的选择接触抵抗并且增加了源于做的 Nb 的费用再结合抵抗,它被阻抗光谱学大小揭示。发达策略为 perovskite 太阳能电池强调接口优化的重要性。
This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21103032 and 51272049), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2011CB932702), and SInberise R279-000-393-592. Dr. X. Yin thanks Mr. Jin Fang for help on IPCE measurements and Au evaporation.