Coming with urbanization, the suburban villages have been merged and rebuilt somewhere between ur-banized community and rural community. The local government is faced with a dilemma in governing these transitional communities. The paper studies DX community, a transitional community in Henan province. It is found that community residents' consciousness of political participation is weak;there is a lack of consciousness of self-governance; the over-all quality of the people in the community is low, but some rural elites stand out;most people are not capable of manag-ing the community; the population structure is complex; the cultural identity is low; community governance rules are complicated and control is not effective. These are mainly owing to the"cultural lag", the lower quality of the communi-ty residents, identity disorder of cultural value and the inefficient community governance mode. To solve these prob-lems, the paper suggests that the transitional community authority, the local government and community organizations work together to help the residents improve consciousness, enhance quality, strengthen the construction, improve the management, and service and establish identification to complete the transition towards the modern urban communities.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic