HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) is a primary neurocognitive impairment caused by HIV infection. In the combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) era, HAND has become a feared complication of HIV infection and has a significant impact on patients' quality of life. A consensus definition of HAND includes the cate- gories as HIV-associated dementia, mild neurocognitive disorder, and asymptomatic neuroeognitive impairment. In practice, assessment of neuroeognitive impairment is challenging and probably imprecise. Self-reporting has been used but is a subjective approach. Moreover, both diagnosis and monitoring have relied heavily on ncuropsychometric performance testing, which is not sensitive and specific for the detection of milder forms of neurocognitive impair- ment. Severat biological markers are evaluated for potential clinical use. Neuroimaging techniques are continuing to develop and might have increased usefulness in the diagnosis and management of HAND. The introduction of cART has dramatically reduced the risk of central nervous system opportunistic infection and severe HAND. However, since cART probably can't improve neurocognitive performance, milder forms of HAND remain prevalent in the cART era, and several adjuvant strategies based on potential downstream pathological mechanisms have also been considered.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD