
论宫本百合子的反战思想——以《那一年》和《播州平野》为中心 被引量:1

A Thesis on Yuriko Miyamoto's Anti-War Thought—Centered on Sonotosi and Bansyuuheiya
摘要 无论是在二战爆发之前,战争期间抑或是二战结束之后,宫本百合子始终坚持对日本法西斯军国主义发动的不义战争进行抵抗,通过小说、评论、日记等载体,表达出对于发动战争的军国主义政府的痛恨,对于战争而遭受伤害的人们的同情,以及对于战争所带来的人性摧残的强烈控诉。与沉溺于强调战争给日本国民带来伤害的其他日本作家不同,宫本百合子清晰地认识到了日本在二战中所扮演的侵略者角色,同时,其反战还与民主运动和女性解放运动联系起来。即使在二战结束之后,宫本百合子仍旧不遗余力地揭露日本军国主义发动战争的不义本质,为预防战争的再次爆发敲响警钟。 Whether it was before the outbreak of World War II,during the war or after World War II,Miyamoto Yuriko,always adhering to the struggle against the unjust war started by Japanese fascist militarism,through the novel,comments,diaries and other carriers,expressed the hatred for war militarism government,the sympathy for the suffered people due to the war and a strong complaints against the war causing humanity devastation. Different with the other Japanese writers who indulged in that war bringing about harm to the Japanese people,Miyamoto Yuriko clearly recognized the role of the Japanese as invaders during World War II,and associated herself with the democracy movement and the women’s liberation movement. Even after the end of World War II,Miyamoto Yuriko still spared no effort to expose the evil nature of the Japanese militarists that had launched the war,and sounded the alarm against the recurrence of preventive wars.
作者 于海鹏
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 CSSCI 2015年第3期24-29,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 浙江省社会科学界联合会研究课题"宫本百合子反战思想研究"(2014Z076)
关键词 宫本百合子 反战思想 《那一年》 《播州平野》 Yuriko Miyamoto anti-war thought Sonotosi Bansyuuheiya
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