白湖湿地位于乌鲁木齐市西郊,是濒危物种白头硬尾鸭Oxyura leucocephala在国内的重要繁殖地。为了更好地保护该物种,于2007—2014年对白湖湿地的鸟类组成进行了调查,并对白头硬尾鸭的生物学特征进行了观察。结果显示,在研究区域共记录到鸟类137种,分属于14目36科89属,约占新疆鸟类总数的30%。居留型以旅鸟(58种,占42.33%)和夏候鸟(48种,占35.04%)为主,留鸟(17种,占12.41%)和冬候鸟(14种,占10.22%)比例较低,白湖湿地是鸟类迁徙的重要驿站和鸟类繁殖的重要栖息地。通过计算G-F指数发现,白湖湿地鸟类在科、属水平上的多样性较为丰富(DG=4.31,DF=22.57,DG-F=0.81)。白头硬尾鸭每年5月中旬迁徙至白湖湿地,10月中旬飞离,峰值数量最多可达45只。但调查发现,随着城市化进程不断推进,白湖湿地受到的人为干扰不断扩大,正导致这一鸟类栖息地环境严重恶化。
The Baihu wetland, an important breeding ground of white-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala), was located in the western suburb of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Using the data from scientific survey and birdwatcher's record on biodiversity of birds in Baihu wetland from 2007 to 2014, a total of 137 bird species belonging to 14 orders, 36 families and 89 genera, which accounting for 30% of all birds in Xinjiang were identified, among of which, there were 58 travelers (42.33%) , 48 summer migrants (35.04%) , 17 residents ( 12.41% ), 14 winter migrants ( 10.22% ). There- fore, Baihu wetland was not only an important stopover, but also an important breeding habitat for birds. The wetland had a great diversity of the genus level (G-index), the family level (F-index) and the G-F index as calculated by the ratio of G- index to F-index. The G-index was 4.31, F-index as 22.57 and G-F index was 0.81. O. leucocephala annually arrived at Baihu wetland in middle of May and left in middle of October, and the peak number could be up to 45. Nonetheless, the pres- ent survey revealed that the process of urbanization could cause a serious deterioration of the bird habitat in Baihu wetland.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology