
鲑鱼降钙素联合维生素D在预防老年骨质疏松患者全髋关节置换术后跌倒中的应用 被引量:11

Application of Salmon Calcitonin Calcium Combined with Vitamin D in the Prevention of Falls in Elderly Patients with Osteoporosis after Total Hip Arthroplasty
摘要 目的:探究鲑鱼降钙素联合维生素D对预防老龄全髋关节置换术后骨质疏松患者意外跌倒的预防作用。方法:研究纳入患者49例,将患者随机分为联合用药组(鲑鱼降钙素+维生素D)25例及单纯对照组(仅给予维生素D制剂)24例,两组患者间基线水平一致性良好。患者均行全髋关节置换术,术后用药并随访6个月,监测患者跌倒次数及相关骨折发生率。结果:联合治疗组跌倒发生率为24%,单纯对照组发生率为25.0%,两组均无再骨折病例。两组患者术后随访6个月时意外跌倒及再骨折发生率无显著差异。结论:联合应用鲑鱼降钙素作为老龄患者全髋关节置换术后抗骨质疏松治疗方案,未影响维生素D预防跌倒作用。 Objective: To explore the salmon calcitonin combined with vitamin D on the prevention of aging prevention function after total hip arthroplasty osteoporosis patients with accidental falls.Methods:The study included 49 patients,the patients were randomly divided into combined treatment group (salmon calcitonin and vitamin D) and control group (25 cases treated only with vitamin D preparation) in 24 cases,two groups of patients between the baseline levels of good consistency. All patients underwent total hip replacement surgery,postoperative medication and were followed up for 6 months,the number of monitoring patients fall and fracture rates.Results:In the treatment group,the incidence of falls was 24% and the control group the incidence rate was 25%,no cases of fracture in both two groups.Two groups of patients with postoperative follow-up of 6 months to fall and fracture incidence was no significant difference.Conclusion:The combined application of salmon calcitonin in elderly patients after total hip replacement in the treatment of osteoporosis,vitamin D did not influence the effect of fall prevention.
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2015年第5期471-472,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
基金 沈阳市科学技术计划项目(项目编号:131882) 课题名称:Wnt-5α/β-连锁蛋白信号通路在骨质疏松症中骨髓衍生的间质干细胞诱导分化相关机制的研究
关键词 鲑鱼降钙素 维生素D 骨质疏松症 全髋关节置换 跌倒预防 Salmon calcitonin Osteoporosis Vitamin D Total hip replacement FaU prevention
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