
不同粒径废玻璃粉对胶砂流动性与强度的影响 被引量:8

Impacts of waste glass powder with different size on the fluidity and strength of mortar
摘要 为研究不同粒径废玻璃粉对胶砂流动性与抗折抗压性能的影响,将无色废玻璃碾磨并筛分为38~53μm、53~75μm、75~150μm、150~300μm、300~600μm 五种粉末状态,作为辅助胶凝材料以内掺法分别替代胶砂中水泥5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%的用量,同时以粉煤灰作对比,测量拌合物流动度以及28 d 的抗折抗压强度。结果表明,当废玻璃粉粒径小于75μm 同时掺量在10%~15%时,对提高胶砂流动性较佳;当废玻璃粉粒径为38~53μm 同时掺量为5%~15%时,其胶砂试件28 d 抗折抗压强度最佳且与基准组相差无几。 In order to study the impacts of waste glass powder under different size on the fluidity and strength of mortar,through grind-ing and sieving waste glass to powder state under 38~53 μm,53~75 μm,75~150 μm,150~300 μm,300~600 μm,respectively as sup-plementary cementing materials within the mixing method instead of cement mortar in the amount of 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%, with fly ash as a reference test at the same time,to measure the fluidity and the flexural and compressive strength of cement mortar on 28 days.The results show that when the content of waste glass powder less than 75 μm is in the range of 10 to 15%,can increase the flu-idity of cement mortar;when the content of waste glass powder between 38~53 μm is in the range of 5 to 15%,the flexural and com-pressive strength of cement mortar on 28 days reach optimum value,differ with basic group very few.
出处 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期93-95,99,共4页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51378247) 湖南省科技计划项目(2009Ck4020) 湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目(12k092)
关键词 废玻璃粉 胶砂 流动性 抗折抗压 waste glass powder mortar fluidity flexural and compressive strength
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