
回归权力的关系语境——国家社会性权力的网络分析与测量 被引量:31

Return to Relational Context of Power:Network Analysis and Measurement of National Social Power
摘要 网络分析在理论和方法上的发展,不仅提供了权力回归其关系性本质的研究路径,而且能够将权力置于国际关系整体结构中进行理解和测量。基于网络分析研究路径,作者提出与物质性权力具有本质差异的社会性权力概念。社会性权力的来源和性质由行为体在关系网络中的位置及其联结方式决定,因而可区分为直达权力、通达权力、居间权力和借势权力四种类型。通过对外交关系、经济关系和军事安全关系三种类型的国际关系数据进行网络分析,社会性权力与物质性权力彼此关联但具有显著实证差异。在当今多元而复杂的国际关系中,物质性权力已经远远不能体现国家在国际关系中发挥影响的渠道、方式和程度,而社会性权力承认相互依存和密切联系,在研究和思考中具有越来越重要的理论和应用价值。不管是作为物质性权力的补充,还是作为具体研究中对权力的单独考量,社会性权力都是极其重要的概念和变量。而网络分析使得这一概念可操作化和可测量,又极大地提高了社会性权力在实证研究中的价值。 Power is one of the most important and controversial concepts in the discipline of international relations.Until recently,the possession understanding of power had dominated the field.However,the dramatic simplification that 'power is equal to capacity' unreasonably neglects the social context in which power is originated from,manifested,and hence defined.Social network analysis(SNA) offers a new theoretical foundation and methodological tools that facilitate the crucial task of bringing social relations back to IR studies.From the perspective of SNA,this paper proposes the concept of 'social power' that is distinct from the understanding of power on a material base.We further define four types of social power based on the network position of a state and its pattern of connectivity.They are direct social power,reaching social power,betweenness social power,and club social power.Following theoretical analysis of power embedded in its social network context,we empirically illustrate how social power is different from,and related to,material power,using seven important international networks in the diplomatic,economic,and security arenas.The most important implication of this study can be summarized as following:in an era of globalization and pluralism,the possession understanding of power is outdated and fails to take into account the channels,patterns,and methods through which states influence one another as well as the international structure.Instead,social power is more appropriate for us to understand international interactions among states.SNA conceptualizes power in a more coherent way than conventional methods,and once social power is an easy-tomeasure concept powered by SNA,it will be widely used in international relations to re-test numerous existing theories and develop new theories by systematically observing and analyzing the real world composed of complex relations and interactions.
作者 庞珣 权家运
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期39-64,157-158,共26页 World Economics and Politics
基金 清华大学自主科研计划(课题编号:2014z22071)资助
关键词 权力 社会性权力 国际关系 网络中心度 网络分析 power social power international relations network centrality social network analysis
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