
从2014年ACCP年会看美国临床药学新服务模式 被引量:3

New mode of American clinical pharmacy service in 2014 ACCP annual meeting
摘要 目的:介绍2014年美国临床药学学会(ACCP)年会内容和美国临床药学新的服务模式。方法:以大会报告、分会场交流为线索进行总结。结果:会议主题:"建立以病人为中心的医疗之家服务模式",通过医疗、护理、药学人员的多方协作,提高患者的生活质量,为医疗保险系统节省经费将成为美国临床药学新服务模式。结论:我国临床药师必须加强医学知识和药学知识学习,从而增强职业竞争力。 OBJBCTIVE To introduce contents of 2014 American College of Clinical Pharmacy annual meeting and the mode of American Clinical Pharmacists practice. METHODS Service model of American Clinical pharmacists was summarized ac- cording to ACCP reports and cirriculum tracks. RESULTS The keynote address: "Patient-Centered Care and the PCMH- Where Are We, REALLY, and Where Do We Need to Go?" Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) was a model of care that aimed to transform delivery of comprehensive primary care. It coordinated care across health care systems, including hospitals, health care, and pharmacists service and support. PCMH demonstrated a better patient experiences, better outcomes and lower health care costs. CONCLUSION Clinical pharmacists in China should focus on improving clinical and pharmaceutical knowl- edge, as well as professional competition.
作者 曹国颖 朱珠
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1040-1042,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
关键词 美国 以患者为中心的家庭式医疗 药学服务 临床实践标准 American College of Climical Pharmacy PCMH pharmaceutical care standards of practice for clinical pharma-cists
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