

Normalization and approximate calculation of semantics uncertain temporal span
摘要 不确定时态的语义处理及近似运算是时态系统的研究与应用中不可忽视的基本问题。不确定语义的转换、时态粒度的规范化以及不确定时态间的近似运算和语义还原成为不确定时态信息处理中的难点。针对时态跨度中不确定语义造成的时态不确定性与多样性,提出了对不确定语义进行转换的思想,将其转换为区间数的形式,结合时态的粒度属性,给出了不确定时态跨度的形式化描述,使其成为可计算问题;根据时态粒度约束对不确定时态跨度进行了规范化处理,使其可以参与运算;最后结合时态区间数给出了不确定时态跨度间的运算及语义还原方法,有效地处理了不确定时态跨度间的复杂运算,典型的运算过程均给出了示例予以说明。 The processing of uncertain temporal semantics and its approximate calculation are the fundamental problems in researches and applications of temporal systems, which can not be ignored. Conversion of the uncertain semantics, standardization of the temPoral granularity, the approximate calculation and recovery restoration of semantics are difficult when processing uncertain temporal data. Because of the uncertainty and diversity problem caused by uncertain semantics, this paper proposed the idea of converting uncertain semantics to the form of interval numbers. Combing with temporal granularity, it proposed the formalized description of uncertain temporal span to render it a calculable problem. Then, according to the constraints of temporal granularity, standardized the uncertain temporal span, so that the uncertain temporal span could be used in the calculation. Finally, combing with the interval numbers, gave the calculation and semantics restoring methods of uncertain temporal spans, and processed effectively the complex calculations between uncertain temporal spans, at the same time, explained the typical calculation procedures with examples.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期2000-2004,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60970044) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(S2011040004281 S2013010014457) DNSLAB资助项目
关键词 不确定 时态语义 时态跨度 粒度 规范化 区间数运算 uncertain temporal semantic temporal span granularity normalization interval arithmetic
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