
高空飞艇螺旋桨车载试验系统设计与验证 被引量:5

Truck-Mounted Testing System Design and Validation for the Propeller of High Altitude Airships
摘要 针对高空飞艇螺旋桨低雷诺数高马赫数的气动特性,设计了一种车载试验测控系统,将螺旋桨、电机、电源和测控设备等安装在运输车上,通过改变螺旋桨试验海拔高度改变试验环境大气参数,得到不同密度下的螺旋桨性能。该测控系统使用一种组合式传感器天平,利用基于虚拟仪器的LabVIEW开发软件实现了试验数据采集和仪器控制,并根据车载试验的特点提出了车载试验的数据处理方法。通过对比分析车载试验的结果和CFD计算数据可知,二者基本吻合,从而验证了高空飞艇螺旋桨车载试验测控系统的可行性。 In order to get enough experimental data of propellers operating in the low Reynolds number, high Mach number flight environment, a truckmounted testing technology which used to be applied in aerodynamic propeller test, is proposed in this paper to solve the problem. The system uses an assembled sensor balance to measure the force and torque of the propeller,and according to the trucked mounted experimental characteristic, electric generator, voltage stabilizer, anemometer and barometer were applied for supplying stable power and indicating the experimental atmospheric conditions. Due to the advantages of the LABVIEW graphical programming platform, the control and measurement process became easy and intelligent. At last, a 6. 8 meter propeller model experiments were carried out for different altitudes with different atmosphere densities;results obtained from the truck mounted experiments agree fairly well with those of the numerical simulation, which verifies the accuracy of the testing system.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期369-374,共6页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 高空飞艇 螺旋桨 车载试验 测控系统 虚拟仪器 airships, propellers, high altitude, Reynolds number, Mach number, experiments, design, trucks,anemometers, barometers, electric generators, voltage stabilizing circuits, sensors, schematic dia-grams, computer software,flow charting, measurements, controllers data processing computer fluid dynamics, velocity, flow fields, errors, vibration analysis
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