
多输出3D打印冗余并联机器人的设计与分析 被引量:10

Design and Analysis of a Multiple Output 3D Printing Redundant Parallel Manipulator
摘要 设计了一种新型多输出3D打印机器人,该机器人机构以Delta并联机构为主构型,以Stewart并联机构为辅助构型,在末端执行器上布置多个打印头,实现多输出。根据建立的运动学模型,分析了该机器人机构的运动学反解,得到速度雅可比矩阵,解得各驱动关节的速度和加速度。给定动平台的运动轨迹,仿真分析了机构的运动协调性,并对机构的灵巧性与静刚度进行了分析。 A multiple output-3D printing-robot was designed-. The main configuration of this robot was Delta parallel manipulator, the Stewart parallel manipulator was served as an auxiliary configura- tion. In order to achieve multiple output ability, more extruders on the end effector of the robot were arranged. Based on the established kinematics model, the inverse kinematics of the proposed redun- dant parallel manipulator was analyzed and the velocity Jaeobian matrix was obtained. Then, the ve- locity and acceleration of each actuated joint were solved. The motion coordination of the mechanism with a prescribed motion trajectory was analyzed, which was based on the simulation model. In addi- tion, dexterity and static stiffness of the mechanism were analyzed.
机构地区 北京交通大学
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1595-1602,共8页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175029) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(3132019)
关键词 3D打印机器人 并联机构 雅可比矩阵 灵巧性 静刚度 3D printing robot parallel manipulator the Jacobian matrix dexterity static stiff- ness
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