Spatial practice and resistance are the crucial concepts of Michale de Certeau's The Practice of Everyday Life. According to him, the weak / other who is under supervising and discipline never ceases to fight against the solid social system in the way of micro-practice and guerrilla warfare. This theory offers an important spatial view fortheconstructionofpostmodemculture. The Wasp Factory of Scottish writer Iain Banks is a novel perfectly matching the theory. It tells the story of Frank who murdered relatives, killed animals so that to obtain and claim his masculinity and power. At the same time, he secretly resisted his father and tried to reveal his secret. Frank did obtain his own space through his everyday life, and successfully avoided his father's controlling power. However, in the end of the novel it tums out that Frank is a girl who has been a sexual experimental object of his father. "Her" resistance which aims to acquire "his" identity is absurd and ironic, because she has been constructing a pseudo self. The meaning of the resistance is completely deconstructed.
Journal of Hebei University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition