

A Look into Sino-US games in ASEAN Economic and Trade from Perspectives of TPP and RCEP
摘要 2008年2月美国宣布加入跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP),之后谈判进程加快。美国试图通过设立新型的区域贸易协议,使美国企业快捷、便利、无障碍地进入亚太地区,扩大出口、增加国内就业,拉动经济持续、平稳增长,进而在国际竞争格局中占据主导地位。2011年2月,东盟领导人提出组建区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP),8月底,东盟10国和中国、日本、韩国、印度、澳大利亚和新西兰等国召开经济部长会议,各国原则上同意组建RCEP。在互利、透明和务实的基础上,加强与伙伴国之间经济一体化与合作,推动由东盟主导的经济一体化进程。中国利用这一个多边的平台来应对美国力推的TPP,缓解中国海外投资和贸易的巨大压力。 The negotiation process speed up subsequent to the US's declaration of its access to Trans-Pacific Partnership in February, 2008. The US attempts to establish a new-type regional trade agreement in an effort to get an easy, barr/er-free access to Asian-Pacific region, export expansion, growth in domestic employment, sustained and steady growth in economy and a dominant position in the international competition. In February, 2011, the ASEAN leaders suggested establishment of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). In August, ASEAN countries, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand held Economic Ministers" Meeting, at which RCEP was agreed to be established. Efforts should be made to strengthen the economic integration and cooperation between partners so as to promote the ASEAN-dominated economic integration process on the basis of mutual benefits, transparency and pragmaticism. China takes advantage of this multilateral platform to deal with TPP sparked and promoted by the US in an effort to ease China's immense pressure in overseas investment and trade.
出处 《南宁职业技术学院学报》 2015年第3期30-34,共5页 Journal of Nanning College for Vocational Technology
关键词 TPP RCEP 中美 东盟 经贸博弈 TPP RCEP Sino-US ASEAN economic and trade games
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