
二元制度环境、制度能力对新兴经济体创业企业加速国际化的影响 被引量:27

Institutional Contexts, Institutional Capability and Accelerated Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Enterprises from Emerging Economies
摘要 新兴经济体(EE)创业企业在与母国缺失的制度环境互动的过程中形成制度能力。运用大规模访谈和扎根理论方法,本文提炼出制度能力的概念及其三个维度:制度适应力、制度关系力和制度创业力。在此基础上,本研究通过融合制度理论和组织能力理论,采用探索性案例研究设计,探讨了二元制度环境、制度能力与E E创业企业加速国际化之间的关系,并构建了一个被中介的调节模型。研究结果显示:(1)完善的母国制度环境减轻了东道国缺失的制度环境对EE创业企业加速国际化的阻碍作用,而母国缺失的制度环境则提升了完善的东道国制度环境对E E创业企业加速国际化的促进作用;(2)母国缺失的制度坏境有助于E E创业企业开发制度能力,而完善的母国制度环境则不利于E E创业企业制度能力的开发;(3)东道国缺失的制度环境对制度能力较强的EE创业企业加速国际化的抑制作用较弱;完善的东道国制度环境对制度能力较弱的EE创业企业加速国际化的激励作用较强;(4)E E创业企业的制度能力中介母国制度缺失性对东道国制度缺失性和加速国际化之间关系的正向调节作用。本研究有助于E E政府创造国际创业友好型制度环境和创业企业加快实施"走出去"战略。 In the process of interacting with under-developed home-coun- try institutional environments, entrepreneurial firms from emerging economies develop the institutional capability. By applying the large- scale interview approach and the grounded theory approach, we refine the concept of the institutional capability and its three dimensions: the institutional adaptable capability, institutional relational capability and institutional entrepreneurial capability. Based on this, through combining institutional theory with organizational capabilities theory, and using the design of explorative case study, this paper discusses the relationships among the dual institutional contexts, institutional capa- bility and accelerated internationalization of entrepreneurial firms from emerging economies, and constructs a mediated moderation model: (1) well-developed home-country institutions can reduce the inhibitory effect of under-developed host-country institutions on the accelerat- ed internationalization of entrepreneurial enterprises from emerging economies, while under-developed institutional environments in home country can improve the incentive effect of well-developed institutional environments in host country on the accelerated internationalization of entrepreneurial enterprises from emerging economies; (2) under-de- veloped institutional environments in home country are beneficial for entrepreneurial enterprises from emerging economies to develop the in- stitutional capability, while well-developed institutional environments in home country go against the development of the institutional capa- bility of entrepreneurial enterprises from emerging economies; (3) for entrepreneurial enterprises with stronger institutional capability from emerging economies, the inhibitory effect of under-developed institu- tional environments in host country on their accelerated international- ization is weaker, while for those with weaker institutional capability, the incentive effect of well-developed institutional environments in host country on their accelerated internationalization is stronger; and (4) The positive moderating role played by institutional voids of home country on the relationship between institutional voids of host country and the accelerated internationalization is mediated by the institutional capa- bility of entrepreneurial enterprises from emerging economies. This study is beneficial for countries from emerging economies to construct international entrepreneurship-friendly institutional environments and for entrepreneurial enterprises to speed up the implementation of inter- nationalization strategies.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期71-84,共14页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(12AGL003) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(20BPY09)资助
关键词 加速国际化 二元制度环境 制度能力 创业企业 新兴经济体 被中介的调节模型 Accelerated Internationalization Dual Institutional Con- texts Institutional Capability Entrepreneurial Enterprises Emerging Economies Mediated Moderation Model
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