
5-ALA诱导白念珠菌生成PpIX与ALA浓度相关性研究 被引量:1

Correlation Studies Between PpIX Generated in C. Albicans by 5-ALA and Concentration of ALA
摘要 目的对不同浓度光敏剂5-氨基酮戊酸(5-ALA)在白念珠菌体内生成原卟啉IX(PpIX)进行荧光强度测定,探求PpIX荧光强度与ALA浓度的关系。为光动力治疗白念珠菌选择最佳的光敏剂浓度提供理论依据。方法实验分为实验组和对照组,将各组白念珠菌悬液与不同浓度5-ALA混合后避光60min孵育。利用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜测量PpIX荧光强度。结果实验组白念珠菌与不同浓度ALA避光孵育后均有荧光物质PpIX产生,200mg/m L以上ALA浓度组产生的PpIX强度无统计学意义。300mg/m L以下ALA浓度与PpIX生成强度有相关性。对照组没有检测到PpIX。结论ALA浓度与生成的PpIX荧光强度密切相关。这为临床ALA-PDT治疗白念珠菌疾病提供了实验依据。 Objective To explore the relationship between the intensity level of protoporphyrin IX (PplX) and the concentration of photosensitizer ALA. Methods C. albicans suspension was prepared and incubated with ALA in the dark. The generation of PpIX was observed under a laser confocal microscope. Results After dark incubation, C. albicans and ALA produced fluorescent PplX. ALA concentration was positively correlated with the intensity of PplX. When drug concentration reached to 300mmol/L, the intensity of PplX strength ceased to increase. There was no fluorescent material in control group. Conclusion The inhibitory effect of ALA PDT on C. albicans is closely related to the concentration of the photosensitizer, which provides an experimental base for treatment of C. albicans disease.
作者 徐辉 邹先彪
出处 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2015年第6期552-554,共3页 Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine
关键词 5-氨基酮戊酸 白念珠菌 PpIX 共聚焦显微镜 5-amino ketones pentanoic acid C. albicans PplX Confocal scanning laser microscopy
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