采用延迟分离涡仿真(DDES)的方法研究了空腔和带有舱门的腔体的气动噪声特性。仿真在自由来流M=0.85下,长宽深比值为5:1:1的矩形开放腔体展开。空腔仿真的声压级幅值结果与试验数据相比误差在4%以内,频率位置的预测较好。DDES方法对于气动噪声问题具有很好的仿真准确性。空腔仿真结果和带有舱门的结果对比后表明,舱门迫使剪切层气流更多的撞击后壁进入腔体内部,使腔体内部尤其是中部压强波动增大,声压级在低频部分增量显著,达到了5 d B左右。
Delayed detached eddy simulation( DDES) approach was performed to numerically investigate an open cavity and the effects of doors on the edges of this rectangular open cavity. The open cavity had an aspect ratio of 5: 1: 1 and the free- stream flow had a Mach number of 0. 85. The simulation of clean cavity case was compared with the experiment with the deviation less than 4%. The simulation using DDES could predict the pressure fluctuation precisely. Comparisons of DDES for clean cavity and cavity with doors revealed that the SPLs inside the cavity as well as the magnitude of tones were amplified by the side doors. It was because that the side doors forced more vortices going into the cavity,which would rise the fluctuation of the pressure in the cavity as well as the sound pressure level with increment up to 5 dB.
Aeronautical Computing Technique