
大坝的发展及其对河流生态环境的影响 被引量:3

Development History of Large Dams and Its Impacts on Eco-environment
摘要 大坝是人类社会成功利用水资源的主要手段之一,其发展历史与人类的文明息息相关。在回顾了国际上有关大坝的定义及其发展历史的基础上,分析了大坝的修建及运行对河流上下游生态环境以及生物多样性的影响,据此对未来的发展趋势进行了展望,提出了新建大坝必须进行严格的环境影响评价,必须加强现有大坝的拆除对生态环境恢复机制的研究,同时应切实加强大坝修建与全球气候变化间反馈关系的研究,以确保大坝在修建、运行和后期管理过程中对生态环境的负面影响降至最低。 Large dams are one of measures for water use by human being, and its development is related to human civilization. This paper, on the basis of overview of international definition of large dam and its development history, analyzes the main impacts of construction and operation of large dams on eco-environment of upstream and downstream as well as biodiversity of river ecosystem, the future trends of large dams are discussed as implementing strictly environmental impact assessment for planned large dams, and strengthening researches on the impacts of dam decommissioning on river ecosystem restoration and on the feedback mechanism between the construction of large dams and global climate change, which will ensure the minimization of the negative impacts of all the procedures related to construction, operation and management of large dams on eco-environment.
作者 蔡大为
出处 《人民珠江》 2015年第3期107-110,共4页 Pearl River
关键词 大坝 河流生态环境 生物多样性 发展史 未来趋势 large dams river eco- environment biodiversity development history future trends
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